Starting point. Basic strategy meant for those starting near rock bottom.

This simple strategy brought me out from the darkness of perpetual ruin and into the light.

Teetering on the brink of poverty seemed to be a trait handed down in my family for generations. I was surely destined to continue the path, never learning from the hard lessons of repeated financial disasters. After many years of digging those same holes, I hit what I thought was rock bottom. It was time for me to break away from the family tradition. Here's a quick breakdown of the situation I was in.

So there I was... home from back to back combat deployments, freshly Divorced, freshly Bankrupt. The details aren’t pretty—suffice it to say, I was shattered financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I was lucky to still have a job, scraping by to cover child support for my two kids with little left over. Then, when I thought life couldn’t throw anything worse my way, I got a cancer diagnosis at 38. There I was, alone in a big empty house I couldn’t afford, driving a fully loaded truck I had no business driving, wrestling with PTSD and cancer all at once. Dark thoughts consumed every waking moment. What kept me going was the fear of leaving behind nothing but devastation for my children. That's what motivated me to take this particular journey.

The way I saw it, I was already suffering and thanks to the military, I'm certainly familiar with less than ideal conditions. So I was ready to accept any personal sacrifice necessary to rewrite the future for my children.

And that's exactly what I did.

This 10 day challenge is to get you thinking differently about lifestyle and financial habits. It's not for everyone. Each of you that wishes to partake will approach it at your own pace and appetite for sacrifice. The more you're able to embrace the ideas, the faster you should close in on your goals.

10 day challenge

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